Saturday, January 2, 2021


    Have you ever seen a number over and over?  I mean like on license plates, receipts, clocks, emails and social media, and more?  

I do.  I have been noticing "333" showing up almost every day.  At first, this seemed like a coincidence.  I would wake up over and over again and look at the time- it was usually 3:33.  So, at the time I thought I had a sleep problem- and learned that I did.  I had a sleep study done and realized that I was not getting enough oxygen at night.  At times, I stopped breathing.  So this seeing 333 in the middle of the night was explained... or was it?

About 2 years ago I began seeing it throughout the day.  I would pull up to a gas station and see the numbers 333 at the pump, or on a license plate, or on a clock.  One day I looked at my email- 333 emails were in my inbox.  Another day it just happened that I saw 3:33 on my phone or car clock (this happens all the time now).  I began taking pics because it was so often.  I would send them to my family as they occurred.  One day, my son sent me a youtube clip that described what the angel number meant for 333.  I was at a stoplight when I watched this video.  I looked up and there it was on the license plate in front of me.  This is no longer just a coincidence for me.  It is an expectation and comfort that my angels are winking at me.  I see it as divine and believe that somehow I am awake to notice my divine Holy Spirit letting me see that I am never alone and that I am protected.

My mother still warns me about spiritual things not rooted in scripture.  This warning is something I take seriously.  However, I am filled with peace, love, and harmony when I see this number.  It seems to bring me closer to my realization of the Divine God that I call the Holy Spirit.  This is the same divine god known as Jesus and the Father Almighty.  The same god of the Israel people.  Divinity is so expanse that my little mind only can see some of it.  I trust that my God is with me and protects me from happenings that I do not understand.  I also believe that my God is many others God even if we have various names.  I see us united in this peace, love, and harmony.  

I believe in mysticism.  I know that many have experienced God in mystical ways and have brought others closer to God as they shared these experiences.  My family has had people who have had gifts of dreams, healings, prophecy, and likely many other things that are not shared.  I have had many dreams that I believe were/are gifts to help me or others with 

our journeys.  I have had visions while in prayer that seemed like a dream- yet I was awake.  I have called friends/family about things I felt deeply in my heart and they have come to be.  It freaks my husband out at times.  It gives me peace as I feel like God is working through and in me.  I want to be used by God as needed.  I must admit that when this occurs I am amazed like a spectator watching it.  It does not feel like I had anything to do with it other than share it with others.

Seeing 333 seems like a comfort now- like God is winking at me 😉 and that I am always in the presence of more than myself.  I am on the right path and walking towards truth and my purpose. 

 I have been allowing God's Holy Spirit to dwell within and direct me and I am walking in the right direction.  I don't always know what I am to do, or where I am to go.  But, I know for sure I am to continue to pray for God's will and the strength to follow that will.  I have a nagging sense that I should be doing more- but I am not sure if that is coming from within me (ego) or beyond me.  I lift this sense up to my Father and ask for the Holy Spirit to nugde and inspire me for whatever that is.

I looked up 333 on YouTube and found a lot.  Some of the things I heard rang true- like that there is much growth.  I am aware of this in the past few years.  My intuition, creativity, and passion for being authentically used by God to spread his love are on fire.  This all came up in my research.  And so, I pray that the Holy Spirit continues to whisper and nudge me to whatever is needed.  Keep me awake.

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